Hey! I’m Rhi
Mom of four crazy little people and wife to my wonderful husband Tristan. I was born in upstate New York, but have been living the last 25 years in Texas. I love Texas, but every now and then I crave the mountainous landscape of the northern US.
I have always been an artist. I actually have my BFA in Fashion Design but found my love of photography in 2016 when my third daughter was born. My life was messy and chaotic. Nothing was ever clean and my self confidence was in the dumps. I decided that I wanted to take better pictures of my kids then what my phone could offer me. So for Christmas my husband surprised me with my first camera, the Nikon d3300. A beginner crop sensor that lit a fire inside of me. Suddenly I could see my family in a different light. At night when I would edit I could see what God sees when he looks at my life. Perfection! My heart is to inspire other parents to turn upside down the lies that we feel. Your 3 year old may be a wreck but her soft tender curls wrapped around your fingers will be what you remember when you look back. Don’t miss these little details… I beg you.
What’s in my bag
Nikon D750
Nikkor 24mm 1.8
Nikkor 35mm 1.8